We are Year 5 and Year 6 learners at Tamaki Primary School in Auckland, New Zealand and our teacher is Mrs Bracey.
Wednesday, December 12, 2018
Northern Mystics
Northern Mystics came to teach us some netball
We had to do some drills
But is was fun
Nitika hardly missed a goal
Health and P.E,
School values- Kawa
Santa came to Room 8!
Room 8 students at TPS wrote a letter each to Santa this year. We waited patiently.
School values- Kawa
Chocolate Fountain!
Room 8 had a shared lunch to celebrate our year together. The food was amazing! Thank you so much whanau for making this happen.
Before we ate we prayed, Maori, English, Samoan and Tongan.
I am so proud of my students.
Here are some photos of the kai.
I am so proud of my students.
Here are some photos of the kai.
School values- Kawa
Tuesday, December 11, 2018
Saturday, December 8, 2018
Team work
The Chair Game
This is a game that Room 8 plays. How does this game work? How this game works is that there are two teams and one of those teams are in the middle of the court standing on the yellow line. One person from that team is the chaser standing in one circle on the other side of the runners. The other team are the runners but there is only one runner at a time. The runners have to stand in the circle then they can run away from the chaser . While we are playing the game Miss Bracey was timing us on how fast we were.
This is a game that Room 8 plays. How does this game work? How this game works is that there are two teams and one of those teams are in the middle of the court standing on the yellow line. One person from that team is the chaser standing in one circle on the other side of the runners. The other team are the runners but there is only one runner at a time. The runners have to stand in the circle then they can run away from the chaser . While we are playing the game Miss Bracey was timing us on how fast we were.
Health and P.E,
Hope L
Temper like an erupting volcano
Alyssa wrote a story board from the inquiry in Term 3 on Natural Disasters. The WALT was to create a short narrative on a natural disaster. Aiesha and Hope helped film. They wanted to create a video similar to Room 9's on 'What causes an earthquake. The girls filmed short frames and I had to work out how to make it into a movie. I think we all did really well!
Wednesday, December 5, 2018
I learnt about Symmetry and its Rotation,Reflection and Translation.
I learnt about shapes.
Monday, December 3, 2018
Tamaki Haka

On Monday, Room 8 had Te Reo with the Kapa haka leaders. Their names are Andre and Chanel. They taught us a Tamaki haka that they have been teaching to the kapa haka students. we had to get into two lines and then we had to face to each other other and do the haka. we didn't have much time so we did the haka one more time and then the bell went.
I enjoyed doing the haka because its fun and it inspired me.
School values- Kawa
Christmas Finger Art
Earlier this week my class and I,
made some finger art. We had to plan what we were going to do first. secondly we had to go to the blue table and use the stamp pads to colour in our planing. And then we had to write our name on it and give it to our teacher.
I had lots of fun doing this activity our topic on our finger art was christmas.
For my finger art I did some snowflakes a penguin and snow.
made some finger art. We had to plan what we were going to do first. secondly we had to go to the blue table and use the stamp pads to colour in our planing. And then we had to write our name on it and give it to our teacher.
I had lots of fun doing this activity our topic on our finger art was christmas.
For my finger art I did some snowflakes a penguin and snow.
Friday, November 30, 2018
If I were a spy...
WALT: Improve technology spy gadget.
This is a spy gadget I have designed using different types of systems that could really help while you are spying on a suspect.
Thursday, November 29, 2018
It's cool to be kind.
This game is called Kind Kingdom the game is based in being kind online .
my record is 380 points . You block trouble makers and make people feel better .
my record is 380 points . You block trouble makers and make people feel better .
School values- Kawa
Wednesday, November 28, 2018
There is two team one team be the chaser so if your the chaser your team get in a line in the middle and. You are the far side of the line and if your the runner you are also going to make a line to the first one go and run. If you are the runner you can go through the people but the chaser can touch the people in the line then they become chaser. The chaser has to get all the runners and Ms Bracey timed who was the quicker team. I really like this game, I laugh a lot
Health and P.E
Tuesday, November 20, 2018
Thursday, November 15, 2018
Flag Football
On Monday Room 8 went to kiwisport we were learning Flag Football it like Rippa Rugby but mixed with football it was sooooo much fun. We had to put our pointing finger on the white line of the ball we had to leave a gap between our palm then we had to point at our buddy.
Kiwi Sports
Friday, November 9, 2018
We wanted to present something special during Niuean Language Week, because we have students from Niue in Room 8. We read a play and then Milan’s family translated it into a song for us to sing as a class at assembly. We practised with Mr Caleb and we hope you enjoy our song.
Thursday, November 8, 2018
Partner Yoga
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Room 8 learnt how to work together in an activity called ‘Partner Yoga’. Partner yoga is like doing normal yoga but with someone else. It was really awesome and fun. |
Wednesday, November 7, 2018
Kumara Vine
Room 8 just did not know what to do for the Manaiakilani Film Festival 2018!
Milan grows ideas with young leaders
Milan had another one of his great ideas. He said he would like to make a film about the Kumara Vine.What’s that you ask?
Kumara Vine is all about giving, student voice, student ideas, students of every year group, ideas for the school...to make TPS better than it is already.Not so long ago Milan was thinking, (he does this a lot). He came up with this idea about leadership...about how from Year 0-6 the students don't get to voice their ideas until Year 7 or 8. Once he had this concept, (idea) he went about thinking more on how it could work at TPS. While he was thinking (see, he does this all the time) a song was playing on the radio by Marvin Gaye 'I heard it through the Grapevine'. More thinking happened and Milan exclaimed, "I know, I will call it the Kumara Vine!" And so the tuber (seed) was planted.
We all sat in a circle with an oversized piece of paper and a vivid to record our memories on how the Kumara Vine came to be, (this is called a brainstorm). Next we sorted the ideas into a sequence, (sorting our brainstorm ideas) Then we started to discuss orientation, characters, problem, (it started to sound like a narrative?) We wondered, “Hey, are we writing or making a movie?”
Next minute Ms Bracey said “Auckland, Milan!”
Well, the two of us and Jarrod were extremely busy, sorting out the narrative, scenery, sound, cinematography and editing. If that wasn’t enough we had issues with everything...narrative had to be altered, scenery changed and we had to go on a school wide hunt for props that had been put in storage and forgotten where they had been put! It was not all easy going either with, actors acting up, reshooting for sound quality, reshooting for film angles and wobbles, we wasted an entire day on editing because we didn’t have the latest version of iMovie! There was so much to do!
On reflection...
We learnt a lot, we laughed and had fun, we had to cooperate and listen to each other, make so many changes, but it was worth it.We hope you think it is worth watching too.
"Talofa lava, my name is Auckland." "Fakalofa and kia ora,my name is Milan, Room 8 made a film about the Kumara Vine." "Hey Auckland, what’s the Kumara Vine?""Kumara Vine is a way of creating young leaders in the making." "Sit back, relax and enjoy the movie" (click on the play button).
Monday, November 5, 2018
Not American Football or Rippa Rugby!
For Term 4 Room 8 have Flag Football for Kiwisport.
Flag Football is American Football and Rippa Rugby combined into one sport.
In Flag Football we learn the skills of it.
A few tips that we learned is
Put your pointing finger on the white line and rest on the laces.
When you throw the ball aim where you want to throw it.
When you catch the ball make a rhombus (diamond) with your hands.
When running make a peace sign with your fingers and the pointy side of the ball between it.
After that put it on your chest and run.

Written by Auckland Faamita

Kiwi Sports
Rawiri tells us about Flag Football
Kiwi Sports
Thursday, November 1, 2018
My minefield experience.
Before our writing assessment Room 8 played a game called ‘Minefield’. In this game you need to buddy up. The game is simple, all you needed to was dodge objects that were in your way; like desks , chairs and other classroom equipment. But the trick is you are blindfolded and your buddy need to instruct you! The main idea of this game is your listening and your teamwork. During my turn I was confused and I couldn’t hear my buddy due to the blindfold blocking my ears a
little. After a few attempts I finally crossed the minefield safely. By Jarrod
Wednesday, October 31, 2018
Tuesday, October 30, 2018
Card Castle
WALT: Work in a team
Last week on Tuesday we were in Kiwi Can playing a game called card castle. We were versing the girls. In fact we had to build a castle with cards and see who’s one is the best. And that's how you would win. The game sounded so wonderful I said “WOW!!!.
We started building our card castle but it kept on falling and we had to rebuild it again and again until there was no time so we made a little castle.
Furthermore we made a castle that would not take long and that would not fall over and over again and again. The castle never fell when someone stomped so we won. I was so happy I said “Yeah!!!!!!
Monday, October 22, 2018
Planning to write
On a beautiful Saturday morning Dad woke me up
and asked me if I want to play golf? Where´ I asked ´ an
adults golf course´ Yeah!´I replied I got in the shower, had
breakfast and we got in the car and went to Chamberlain
park golf course.
and asked me if I want to play golf? Where´ I asked ´ an
adults golf course´ Yeah!´I replied I got in the shower, had
breakfast and we got in the car and went to Chamberlain
park golf course.
I was so excited!. There was a putting green that we
could practice our chips and putts. Before we started
our round of golf I met this kid Sam him and his Dad
wanted to team up. Dad and I said ´Yes´ we went to first tee
of the day.
could practice our chips and putts. Before we started
our round of golf I met this kid Sam him and his Dad
wanted to team up. Dad and I said ´Yes´ we went to first tee
of the day.
I teed off and it was about 110 yards. When we got to
the 9th hole Sam and Mike left the golf course because
they only booked for nine holes but dad and I were booked
for 18 holes. It started raining and I was getting cold.
Dad had an umbrella. I still played. Not long after the
rain stopped we were already at the 18th hole.
Dad and I drove back home and we were both starving.
the 9th hole Sam and Mike left the golf course because
they only booked for nine holes but dad and I were booked
for 18 holes. It started raining and I was getting cold.
Dad had an umbrella. I still played. Not long after the
rain stopped we were already at the 18th hole.
Dad and I drove back home and we were both starving.
Overall it was a good game of golf I have never been the
that course so it was a bit of a surprise I wish we hired a
golf cart because it was a lot of walking with a trundler.
that course so it was a bit of a surprise I wish we hired a
golf cart because it was a lot of walking with a trundler.
Friday, September 14, 2018
Earthquake House
WALT: Learning from each other, Learning with each other
On Wednesday it was tuakana teina day, tuakana teina means younger to older. Which means that a senior class has to buddy up with a junior class.
Firstly, Ms Fepuleai did the roll then she explained to us how our behaviour should look and sound like. She told us ways of how we were going to help our buddies from Room 3 keep up with our earthquake proof houses.
Secondly, we then had to walk down to Room 3 so we can start working on creating our earthquake proof houses. When we arrived in Room 3 we looked at a slide based on earthquakes, Ms Fepuleai wrote some of the rules we were going to be looking at while we were answering some of Miss Gormly's questions. We watched a video filled with different types of ideas of how we can make our basic house earthquake proof.
Thirdly, we all went outside so Ms Fepuleai and Miss Gormly can put us into our groups. In my group was Savannah, Cheska, Tasi and myself. Our idea to make our basic house earthquake proof was to use four long rubber bands and nine red furry bendy sticks ( Pipe Sticks ). After we finished making our basic house earthquake proof we had to go and tie it onto the playground then Miss Gormly tested it.
On Wednesday it was tuakana teina day, tuakana teina means younger to older. Which means that a senior class has to buddy up with a junior class.
Firstly, Ms Fepuleai did the roll then she explained to us how our behaviour should look and sound like. She told us ways of how we were going to help our buddies from Room 3 keep up with our earthquake proof houses.
Secondly, we then had to walk down to Room 3 so we can start working on creating our earthquake proof houses. When we arrived in Room 3 we looked at a slide based on earthquakes, Ms Fepuleai wrote some of the rules we were going to be looking at while we were answering some of Miss Gormly's questions. We watched a video filled with different types of ideas of how we can make our basic house earthquake proof.
Thirdly, we all went outside so Ms Fepuleai and Miss Gormly can put us into our groups. In my group was Savannah, Cheska, Tasi and myself. Our idea to make our basic house earthquake proof was to use four long rubber bands and nine red furry bendy sticks ( Pipe Sticks ). After we finished making our basic house earthquake proof we had to go and tie it onto the playground then Miss Gormly tested it.
School values- Kawa,
Tuakana Teina with Room 3
On Wednesday the 20th of September
Room 8 went to our buddy class Room 3.
Firstly, Room 8 were talking with Mrs
Fepulea'i about the expected
behaviours around young children.
After Mrs Fepulea’i and Room 8 were
talking about the expected behaviours she
told Room 8 that we had to
line up behind me or Manaia so we
can go to Room 3.
Secondly, when Room 8 got to Room 3
we had to sit on the mat and look at
a google slide show that Miss Gormlie
created about earthquakes. A few seconds
later Room 5,8 and 3 had to go outside so
Mrs Fepulea’i can sort out the groups, after
Mrs Fepulea’i sorted out the
groups she said that we had to go to a lady
to get a paper and pen for our plan.
Thirdly, after we planned our unbreakable
earthquake house we had to record us saying
earthquake house we had to record us saying
what items we are going to use and where we
are going to put the items. A few minutes
later Miss Gormlie and Mrs Fepulea’i gave
the groups a milk box each to create
our earthquake proof house.
Finally, When we finished creating our
earthquake proof house we had to tell Miss
Gormlie that we were finished so she can
Gormlie that we were finished so she can
see if our houses were earthquake proof.
When Miss Gormly finished shaking our
house on a cardboard she told us to pack up
the class. I enjoyed this activity because I
wanted to spend time with my buddys in
Room 3.
In conclusion, creating an earthquake
proof house was very much fun!
School values- Kawa
Monday, September 10, 2018
Three Commandments
Walt learn how to box using the 3 commandments.
When I first went to boxing I thought we were going to punch some bags but I realised it was more of a discipline kinda way. So I thought to myself this might be fun. So I wanted to go and I was right it was fun in a way. First my gloves were sweaty and I wanted to quit but I did not give up and I learnt self discipline.
The three commandments
I will have respect to my coach, my peers and the sport of boxing
Discipline I will have discipline to turn up to every boxing session and give my 100%
Safety I will not cause harm to others and only practice boxing in a safe environment under the guidance of a coach.
I would love to do this again!
Kiwi Sports,
Monday, September 3, 2018
Don't eat the snow!
What a surprise, we made magic snow! On Wednesday morning,
the students in Room 8 did a science experiment.
the students in Room 8 did a science experiment.
Firstly, Ms Bracey explained the history of magic snow.
The product of the magic snow is called polymer.
Polymer is mostly used by scientist.
WARNING, This product is not suitable for younger children,
under the age of 5.
The product of the magic snow is called polymer.
Polymer is mostly used by scientist.
WARNING, This product is not suitable for younger children,
under the age of 5.
Secondly, after Ms Bracy explained, we followed her
instructions and got on with the experiment.
The materials we used was a packet of polymer,
plastic cup that was transparent and ½ cup of cold water.
instructions and got on with the experiment.
The materials we used was a packet of polymer,
plastic cup that was transparent and ½ cup of cold water.
At last, we poured the packet of polymer into
the transparent plastic cup, then we poured the water into the same cup.
The polymer absorbed all the water, and made magical snow.
It grew so fast, that everyone squealed. It felt squishy and slimy.
the transparent plastic cup, then we poured the water into the same cup.
The polymer absorbed all the water, and made magical snow.
It grew so fast, that everyone squealed. It felt squishy and slimy.
Friday, August 31, 2018
Listening to chatterboxes
WALT:Using your listening skills.
How to make a Chatterbox.
I done this chatterbox with all Room 8 and a junior in the class. We were doing a chatterbox that looked like mountains all together. It was happening last Wednesday when the bell rang.
I was in the class with Room 8 students and with the teacher. We were doing this so we can get ideas from it for when we write our recount and I was excited about it.
Firstly, We were given a magazine, tore out a page and folded each corner into the center. When we folded the magazine there was lots of folding to do and there was lots of triangle´s to fold. We seem to be folding forever until we make a chatterbox.
Finally, We got to play with the chatterbox. When I made the chatterbox I straight away thought it looked like 4 mountains, volcanoes, stuck all together. When we finished it Ms Bracey said we can play with it until the end of the day or until we do more learning to do about fractions, maths, reading, inquiry, cybersmart.
Thursday, August 30, 2018
Are you going toilet?
Room 8 students watched a video on how not to behave when you go to the school toilets. They turned it around into the positives of how students should behave as part of PB4L.
We brainstormed as a class and then Auckland took the class IPAD and students out to film.
School values- Kawa
Friday, August 17, 2018
Me, Myself and I
Auckland @ Tamaki Primary School · Post
Me , myself & I
Posting as Auckland
WALT: write a positive comment using google share.
In New Zealand there was a boy that loved to explore. He is 11 yrs old.
The boy wants to be an explorer but he is still in primary school.
One day the boy was sick of being told that he’s too young and weak to be a explorer.
Then he went to Rangitoto because Rangitoto is a volcano.
The boy read a nonfiction story that there was crystals and gems in a volcano.
Suddenly Rangitoto erupted.
Auckland, I liked how you used future tense.
Auckland, I liked the way you spelt everything correctly.
Post settings
tps, Writing, year 6
Published on
13/08/2018 15:41
Pacific Daylight Time
Practising posting positive comments
WALT: Practising posting positive comments using google
I am a 10 year old kid that likes to explore, I love to go on
adventures around the world so I know what is happening, but I have enmity issues like a vomiting volcano. I go on mystery adventures
when the sun is out. I love to explore around any volcano like Mount
Alyssa, I really like the way you wrote a simile describing the character
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