
Friday, September 14, 2018

Tuakana Teina with Room 3

On Wednesday the 20th of September
Room 8 went to our buddy class Room 3.

Firstly, Room 8 were talking with Mrs
Fepulea'i about the expected
behaviours around young children.
After Mrs Fepulea’i and Room 8 were
talking about the expected behaviours she
told Room 8 that we had to
line up behind me or Manaia so we
can go to Room 3.

Secondly, when Room 8 got to Room 3
we had to sit on the mat and look at
a google slide show that Miss Gormlie
created about earthquakes. A few seconds
later  Room 5,8 and 3 had to go outside so
Mrs Fepulea’i can sort out the groups, after
Mrs Fepulea’i sorted out the
groups she said that we had to go to a lady
to get a paper and pen for our plan.

Thirdly, after we planned our unbreakable
earthquake house we had to record us saying
what items we are going to use and where we
are going to put the items. A few minutes
later Miss Gormlie and Mrs Fepulea’i gave
the groups a milk box each to create
our earthquake proof house.

Finally, When we finished creating our
earthquake proof house we had to tell Miss
Gormlie that we were finished so she can
see if our houses were earthquake proof.  
When Miss Gormly finished shaking our
house on a cardboard she told us to pack up
the class. I enjoyed this activity because I
wanted to spend time with my buddys in
Room 3.

In conclusion, creating an earthquake
proof house was very much fun!

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