
Friday, August 31, 2018

Listening to chatterboxes


WALT:Using your listening skills.

How to make a Chatterbox.

I done this chatterbox with all Room 8 and a junior in the class. We were doing a chatterbox that looked like mountains all together. It was happening last Wednesday when the bell rang.
I was in the class with Room 8 students and with the teacher. We were doing this so we can get ideas from it for when we write our recount and I was excited about it.

Firstly, We were given a magazine, tore out a page and folded each corner into the center. When we folded the magazine there was lots of folding to do and there was lots of triangle´s to fold. We seem to be folding forever until we make a chatterbox.

Finally, We got to play with the chatterbox. When I made the chatterbox I straight away thought it looked like 4 mountains, volcanoes, stuck all together. When we finished it Ms Bracey said we can play with it until the end of the day or until we do more learning to do about fractions, maths, reading, inquiry, cybersmart.

Thursday, August 30, 2018

Are you going toilet?

Room 8 students watched a video on how not to behave when you go to the school toilets. They turned it around into the positives of how students should behave as part of PB4L.

We brainstormed as a class and then Auckland took the class IPAD and students out to film.

Friday, August 17, 2018

Me, Myself and I

Auckland @ Tamaki Primary School · Post Me , myself & I Posting as Auckland
WALT: write a positive comment using google share.

In New Zealand there was a boy that loved to explore. He is 11 yrs old.
The boy wants to be an explorer but he is still in primary school.
One day the boy was sick of being told that he’s too young and weak to be a explorer.
Then he went to Rangitoto because Rangitoto is a volcano.
The boy read a nonfiction story that there was crystals and gems in a volcano.
Suddenly Rangitoto erupted.

Auckland, I liked how you used future tense.

Auckland, I liked the way you spelt everything correctly.
Post settings Labels tps, Writing, year 6 Published on 13/08/2018 15:41 Pacific Daylight Time Permalink Location Options

Practising posting positive comments

WALT: Practising posting positive comments using google 

I am a 10 year old kid that likes to explore, I love to go on
adventures around the world so I know what is happening, but I have enmity issues like a vomiting volcano. I go on mystery adventures
when the sun is out. I love to explore around any volcano like Mount

Alyssa, I really like the way you wrote a simile describing the  character

Spewing lava and molten rocks.

WALT: Practising posting positive comments using google share.
 Introduction. In New Zealand there was a boy that likes to develop facts about a volcano on a island called Rangitoto At the moment I was a scientist but he wished that he could go on a ferry to Rangitoto Island But he is scared of his boss.
But one day his boss told him to go home because he said he was sick but he lied.
Then the scientist went on a ferry to Rangitoto but the volcano started spewing out lava and massive rocks.
 Who? The character is me,myself and I.
What? The volcano started spewing out lava and massive rocks.
Where? It was at Rangitoto Island. When? It was to day.
Why? Because the temperature of the volcano was to high so it spewed out massive rocks and lava. Vaka, I really like the way you have remembered to do the three key elements in the introduction of a narrative and put in bold and to do the 5 W’s Rawiri

My bad temper

Practicing posting
Positive comments
Using google share

A few days ago I heard that Rangitoto Island was going to erupt. But it is dormant right now,
I would like to explore Rangitoto Island. I kind of have a bad temper that’s why I like
volcanoes,it explodes with anger like my temper.

5 W’s
When:A few days ago.
Where:Rangitoto Island

Why:Bad temper like volcanos

Thursday, August 16, 2018

Tidy number maths strategy

WALT: To add tidy numbers.
Image result for +
300+798=1098                300+700=1000+90=1090+8=1098

A clue is the zero.


WALT:Using tidy numbers they usually end with a zero (0)

For example: 124+287=411

  Tidy number (100+200)+(80+20)+(4+7)=411

Making Ten

WALT: Making tens
2+8=10         7+3=10
8+2=10         3+7=10

6+4=10     9+1=10
4+6=10     1+9=10

These are my maths strategies

Brackets help with tidy numbers

WALT: add and subtract numbers up to 100 using tidy numbers



Algorithim to subtract decimals

This is one of the strategies to one of my maths questions
WALT: Adding and Subtracting decimals with tenths

Compensating and tidy numbers

WALT:Using tidy numbers
Tidy numbers end with a 0
 -7    +7



Numbers to ten.

WALT: numbers to ten
My maths strategy is  numbers to ten.
for example.
6+4=10     9+1=10   10+2=12     12+10=22

 so it equals 22

Tidy numbers

WALT: Use Tidy numbers.
Tidy numbers are numbers that end with the number zero (0)

Tuesday, August 14, 2018

Decimals are tidy too!

Image result for maths gifWALT:  To subtract and divide decimals.

1.4 + 9.8= 11.2
1.0 + 9.0= 10.0
0.8 + 0.2 = 1.0+0.2=1.2
10.0 + 1.2 =11.2

To answer my question I learned a strategy to  figure out the answer.
Maths GIF on GIFER - by Saithilace

A new strategy

Monday, August 13, 2018

Thought Cloud

  • Center my text
  • Increase the size of font
  • Give depth to the cloud outline
  • Replace the colour to clear, not blue

sharks swimming in the sky?


Fluffy White Sheep

In Room 8 we created a thought cloud on google drawing and thought of something to write about.
                                                        WALT:create my text.
                                                       Increase the size of font.
                                           Give depth to the thought cloud culture.
                                      Replace the colour of the fill to clear not blue.

Thursday, August 9, 2018

Hook, Jab, Cross...

 WALT: Learning to box.
In boxing our coach is called Pax.
In boxing we learned how to jab , cross , hook and uppercut.
Pax told us this game called knee tag.

The Three Commandments


Boxing teacher: Pax

Right hook and left hook.
Footwork,forward,backward and side to side.

What did I learn?

I learnt from boxing is the three Commandments and I learnt heaps of move and footwork I even learnt that you only use the moves in a gym or somewhere safely.



Upper Cut

Today Room 8 went boxing in the hall
learning how to do skills like rock,hooks,jab,
uppercut,and move steps.
It was fun to learn all of these new skills.

Wednesday, August 8, 2018


Price Waterhouse Coopers

WALT: Financial Literacy in Primary

If you borrow something from someone then return it back straight away because if you don’t then you can upset that person.

If it is too hard for you to save then give you money to your parents to hold it for you.

Use your money wisely

Be prepared in case of an emergency

Keep your identity safe.

Image result for p.w.c
Price Waterhouse Coopers.
WALT: Financial literacy in Primary.
What did I find out?
I found out that if you save money you can use it when there is an emergency and when you borrow something from other people like your friends or your family you must return it back.
I learned that if you have a drivers license,passport and a wallet you must keep it in a safe place so no one can't steal it and pretend to be you.

Who are you?

Tuesday, August 7, 2018

Gas Trap

WALT: where do clouds come from?

During Room 8's science experiment we found out that
when you go through a cloud that the cloud would feel watery.
We also learned that when it is foggy it is actually clouds from the sky.

Gas Trap

Making a cloud.

WALT: where do clouds come from?

I found out that clouds are formed from the water that is left on the ground, the water from the ground rises up into the sky and forms clouds...

A little foggy.

WALT:Where do clouds come from 

I found out that that the clouds are wet.

On Thursday we made a cloud experience. Ms Bracey gave us a cup and a lid. She went and got hot water and put it in the cup. We put the lid on and try to read the Gas Trap tester through the cup. We also had to open the jar and feel inside. It felt like fog.

Forming a cloud

We are learning how clouds form. So we went to put hot water in each jar. I didn't know how clouds were formed and this experiment showed me how.  

Wednesday, August 1, 2018